Running Workshop: Next Steps

By Sam Windebank on Oct 07, 2021

**Running Workshop: Next Steps **

*18th October - Priory Centre, St Neots - 20:00 to 22:00 *

Sign up now

Cost : £0 entry

First come first served. Limited to 50 participants. Children welcome with an adult.

The event is at the request of members looking for tips in advancing their running post couch to 5k. It will aim to help you with options for guiding your future fitness, endurance, health and running.

It will be targeted towards an audience that has already completed a beginners C25k up to Elite level athletes.

Some more advanced ideas and scientific principals will be offered but expanded answers saved to the end to avoid briefing flow issues. Hopefully this will be of some use to you and set you ready for 2022.

Audience interaction and Fun is encouraged. We can always send you out for a 20 miler for misbehaviour.

The format will include normal briefings/demonstrations and open forum to enable all individuals’ personal questions and topic requests to be dealt with.

The briefing will be delivered by club member Michael Taylor whose a qualified endurance coach with a background in a variety of disciplines including running, triathlon and Ultra marathon.

Please do not attend if you have Covid symptoms, are isolating or are unwell. Face masks should be worn on entering the building

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