Summer social run

By Sam Windebank on Jun 13, 2023

Summer Social runs are back! From The Three Horseshoes, Graveley, PE19 6PL (ignore road closure signs, you can get through!) on Wednesday 21st June. As usual meet at the pub for 6:30pm, set off on the run (approx. 5 miles) or walk (approx. 3 miles) by 6:50pm and then back to the pub for dinner at 8pm. Everyone is welcome, it’s a social so we’ll be sticking together. The pub would like to know numbers / menu choices by Saturday 17th so please let us know by then. Menu posted on Facebook, let me know if you need me to email it to you. Hopefully we’ll have great weather and a great turn out. Also, looking for other Riversiders to organise more summer evening social runs.

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