Results List

Runner Event Time Distance Position Date
Mike Kendall Storeys Field parkrun 17:58 5.0km 13 PB (1 MV50) 23-10-2021
Mike Kendall York 5k Race Series - August Race 18:06 5.0km 28 PB (2 ) 20-08-2021
Mike Kendall York parkrun 18:14 5.0km 9 PB (2 MV45) 17-08-2019
Mike Kendall Peterborough 5k Series (Race 1j 18:25 5.0km 44 PB (6 MV45) 05-06-2019
Mike Kendall Great Denham parkrun 18:48 5.0km 5 PB (1 MV45) 18-05-2019
Mike Kendall Pocket parkrun #58 18:48 5.0km 6 (1 MV45) 13-07-2019
Mike Kendall Pocket parkrun 18:49 5.0km 3 (1 MV50) 29-04-2023
Mike Kendall Bedford ParkRun 18:53 5.0km 5 PB (1 MV45) 08-10-2016
Mike Kendall Edinburgh ParkRun 18:54 5.0km 31 (MV45) PB 20-08-2016
Mike Kendall Colworth 5 31:47 5.0miles 16 PB (3 MV45) 21-06-2019
Mike Kendall Battersea Park 10k 37:10 10.0km 8 PB (1 MV50) 16-10-2021
Mike Kendall Bedford Twilight 10k 37:36 10.0km 5 PB (1 MV40) 31-08-2019
Mike Kendall Beds AAA 10K 38:08 10.0km 37 PB (5 MV45) 19-07-2019
Mike Kendall Bedford AAA 10k 38:17 10.0km 28 (3 MV50) 30-07-2021
Mike Kendall Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 10k 39:01 10.0km 19 PB (7 MV40) 06-04-2019
Mike Kendall Bedford twilight 10k 39:01 10.0km 12 (1 MV50) 02-09-2023
Mike Kendall Battersea Park Chase the Moon 10k 39:13 10.0km 36 (3 MV50) 27-03-2024
Mike Kendall Chase the Moon Olympic Park 39:43 10.0km 6 (1 MV50) 12-10-2022
Mike Kendall Bedford Twilight 10K 40:41 10.0km 24 (1 MV50) 03-09-2022
Mike Kendall Lee Valley Velopark 10 mile 01:02:52 10.0miles 2 PB (1 MV45) 26-10-2019
Mike Kendall Dorney Lake Winter Half Marathon 01:33:04 13.0miles 44 (13 MV40) 17-02-2018
Mike Kendall RunThrough Battersea Park Half Marathon 01:22:30 13.1miles 50 PB (4 MV50) 12-03-2022
Mike Kendall Victoria Park Half Marathon 01:24:07 13.1miles 44 PB (2 MV45) 07-03-2020
Mike Kendall Boston half 01:24:51 13.1miles 17 (1 MV50) 16-04-2023
Mike Kendall Lee Valley Velopark Half Marathon 01:25:49 13.1miles 10 PB (2 MV45) 23-02-2019
Mike Kendall Bedford half marathon 01:27:11 13.1miles 56 (MV45) 02-09-2017
Mike Kendall Birmingham Black Country Half Marathon 01:27:12 13.1miles 29 (4 MV40) 06-07-2019
Mike Kendall Thames Valley Spring Half Marathon 01:29:10 13.1miles 11 (MV45) 14-04-2018
Mike Kendall Milton Keynes Half Marathon 01:33:55 13.1miles 72 (MV45) 07-05-2018
Mike Kendall MK Half marathon 01:51:29 13.1miles 340 (29 MV50) 01-05-2023
Mike Kendall 20:20 Fission 02:19:51 20.0miles 22 PB (3 MV45) 16-03-2019
Mike Kendall Boston UK Marathon 03:00:14 26.2miles 48 PB (5 MV50) 18-04-2022
Mike Kendall Milton Keynes Marathon 03:03:55 26.2miles 71 PB (19 MV40) 06-05-2019
Mike Kendall Milton Keynes marathon 03:14:47 26.2miles 113 PB (43 MV40) 01-05-2017
Mike Kendall Autumn Shakespeare 03:15:50 26.2miles 14 PB (3 MV45) 12-11-2016
Mike Kendall Thames Trot 50 10:12:20 50.0miles 111 (MV45) PB 04-02-2017

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